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1V0-701 VMware Certified Associate - Digital Business Transformation (VCA-DBT) Exam


? EXAM NUMBER: 1V0-701
? PRODUCT: VMware Cross-Cloud Architecture
? Associated Certification: VCA-DBT
? Duration: 135 minutes
? Number of Questions: 50
? Passing Score: 300
? Format: Non-proctored online - multiple choice, drag and drop, matching

VMware 1V0-701 exam tests a candidate's knowing of the VMware portfolio in addition to their power to identify and recommend technical solutions.

Get ready for EXAM
Recommended Training
? VCA-DBT Training Modules in VMware Learning Zone

Additional Resources
? Preparation Tips: https://vmexamguide.weebly.com/blog/why-is-it-important-to-do-vmware-certified-associate-digital-business-transformation-certification
? VCA Community
? VMware Learning Zone
? VMware Press
? VMware Certification Industry

Minimally Qualified Candidate
? The Minimally Qualified Candidate (MQC) is really a conceptualization in the 1V0-701 certification candidate that possesses the minimum knowledge, skills, experience, and competence to simply meet our expectations of a credentialed individual.

? The MQC for that VMware Certified Associate - Digital Business Transformation (VCA-DBT) understands industry recognized virtualization concepts and it is aware of VMware products, underlying technologies, and solutions. The MQC knows VMware Cross-Cloud Architecture and VMware solution domains (including vSphere, vSAN, NSX, vRealize Suite, Horizon 7 Suite, etc.). The MQC can describe how they're placed on customer situations and can propose solutions with a high level.

Exam Sections:

Section 1 - Define and describe the VMware Cross-Cloud Architecture
? Objective 1.1 Explain the VMware Cross-Cloud Architecture vision
? Objective 1.2 Identify and describe the Cross-Cloud Architecture components

Section 2 - Define and describe vSphere solutions
? Objective 2.1 Explain the software program Defined Data Center (SDDC) initiative and how vSphere
? fits inside
? Objective 2.2 identify and describe vSphere components
? Objective 2.3 Describe opportunities where vSphere can be quite a solution

Section 3 - Define and describe vSAN solutions
? Objective 3.1 Explain vSAN and Software Defined Storage (SDS)
? Objective 3.2 Identify and describe vSAN components
? Objective 3.3 Describe opportunities where vSAN might be a solution

Section 4 - Define and describe the NSX solution
? Objective 4.1 Explain NSX and Software Defined Networking (SDN)
? Objective 4.2 Identify and describe NSX components
? Objective 4.3 Describe opportunities where NSX is actually a solution

Section 5 - Define and describe vRealize Suite solutions
? Objective 5.1 Explain vRealize Suite Cloud Management Platform
? Objective 5.2 Identify and describe the vRealize Suite product components
? Objective 5.3 Discuss opportunities where vRealize Suite might be a solution

Section 6 - Define and describe Horizon Suite solutions
? Objective 6.1 Explain Horizon 7
? Objective 6.2 Identify and describe the Horizon Suite product components
? Objective 6.3 Discuss opportunities where Horizon Suite can be quite a solution

Section 7 - Recommend the best products for a solution to suit customer requirements
? Objective 7.1 Gather and analyze customer requirements
? Objective 7.2 Recommend items that meet customer requirements
? Objective 7.3 Propose high-level solution

At the end of this system, you should be in a position to:

? Describe and position VMware products, technologies, and solutions inside the VMware Cloud Foundation and Cross-Cloud Architecture.
? Analyze, design and propose solutions for customers aligned with VMware principles.
? As the demand for IT professionals with digital business transformation skills increases, it is important to distinguish yourself on the market having a VMware certification that validates your capabilities. Earning your VMware Certified Associate - Digital Business Transformation (VCA-DBT) certification does just that.
? VMware’s exceptional VCA-DBT video series is an ideal resource to help plan the VCA-DBT certification exam. You can find 72 VCA-DBT videos open to allow you to acquire the skills and knowledge to get the 1V0-701 certification.
? Simple Steps for Preparing VMware Certified Associate - Digital Business Transformation Exam:
0 https://vmware-1v0-701-preparation-guide.blogspot.com/2018/05/simple-steps-for-preparing-vmware.html

To read more about VCA-DBT Exam Questions visit this useful web site.
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